Role of a CFO, and why every business needs one.
SuperCFO engages with its client companies as a Strategic Partner, and not just as any other Employee or an Advisor. Moreover, as a growing company, you may not need services of a full time CFO. We, at SuperCFO, provide unique flexibility of gradually increasing engagement levels, as the need increases with growth. This ensures that you get quality CFO services, on a continuous ongoing basis, depending on your needs and cost budgets.
Better CashFlow through Receivables Management
Cash is the blood life of a business, that ensures smooth and uninterrupted business operation.
Often businesses go through challenges, which could be a function of growth or business dynamics or even as a result of difficult conditions.
When faced with challenges, what is very important is that there is smart management of receivables and payables, to bring in an element of predictability and find ways to generate better cashflows.
SuperCFO engages with its client companies as a Strategic Partner, and not just as any other Employee or an Advisor. Moreover, as a growing company, you may not need services of a full time CFO.
We, at SuperCFO, provide unique flexibility of gradually increasing engagement levels, as the need increases with growth.
This ensures that you get quality CFO services, on a continuous ongoing basis, depending on your needs and cost budgets.
SuperCFO Client Testimonial – Mark Croskery, President & CEO, Stocks & Securities Limited, Jamaica
Our client, Mark Croskery, President & CEO of Stocks & Securities Limited, Jamaica, talks about his experience using our services and working with the SuperCFO team.
SuperCFO’s New Look
We are delighted to share with you the launch of our new brand identity. Much like the new India and the entrepreneurial mindset , our new logo stands for confidence, clutter less thinking, freshness in thought process and being fearless. We have spent months in carving out this new brand identity and we truly hope you like it.
Do you have a pressing need for an Interim CFO? Go for SuperCFO!
Missing your CFO? CFOs are human, after all… they quit suddenly, fall sick for long periods of time. The truth is, a CFO is an omnipresent requirement for any company — not for keeping the ship running, but for giving it direction, for avoiding glaciers, for negotiating rough waters and for taking some bold but tricky strategic decisions. Basically, for most companies,not having a CFO for even a short period of time could be harmful for business health. And hiring a new CFO is obviously tough — you can’t just do that in a hurry. Stuck? Worry not! Try the Interim CFO service from SuperCFO!
Special Purpose CFO Solutions From SuperCFO: CFOs For Special Projects At Sharp Costs.
In the real business world, CFOs are hands-on folks who love to roll-up their sleeves and lead the action.They like to get work done. So, whenever you have a business deal that needs a CFO to be handy, you should get one! Be it an IPO or a Merger or Acquisition or a Special Audit or any critical issue that needs an experienced financial brain. Check out Special Purpose CFO services from SuperCFO, if you believe that a full-time hire isn’t needed!
Virtual CFO Solution from SuperCFO: The most cost effective CFO Solution for growing companies.
You do need a strategic financial “brain” in the early-stage team. Someone to help out in fund-raising, budgeting, financial reporting, cash flow management and ensuring compliance. Engage a Virtual CFO from SuperCFO, who will be involved to just the “right” extent with your team; always around when you need him while paying only a fraction of the cost you would otherwise pay to a full time senior resource like this.
Are you looking to hire CFOs and Senior Finance Professionals?
Believe it or not! Typical Talent Management firms are not great at hiring finance specialists. The last time you wanted to hire a CFO they stuck you with some Finance major resumes with a couple of years of experience. And this gave you no satisfaction. If you want to relieve your organization of these worries then no look no further! Please watch the video to find out more.
Looking For A Job In Finance And Accounts?
When was the last time you put your resume on a head-hunting portal and got your mailbox junked by irrelevant mails? Every time, right? Senior and mid career finance and accounts professionals like you deserve to utilize their time in a much more efficient manner. How? To find out more…… watch the video!
Story about Sam, John and Super CFO (Leading provider of Virtual and Full Time CFO Solutions)
Sam and John were best friends from school days. After graduating from college, both started their own business. That’s where the similarities ended…..View the video to find what happened, and how their destinies changed.